Fallout 4: Nuka World DLC

Topsy Turvy room

Topsy Turvy room

Spinning room with escape doors in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Spinning room with escape doors in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

Wacky room behind one the doors in the Spinning room in the Fun House located within Kiddie Kingdom

After watching the Fallout TV show, it inspired me to revisit Fallout 4 and upload more images of locations that I worked on. Fallout is a very fun franchise to work on and I am fortunate to have worked it and all DLC's with many talented developers.
My responsibilities on Fallout 4: Nuka World was to set dress, landscape and world build various locations. These are a few of the locations but I am mainly sharing the "Fun House" located within the "Kiddie Kingdom" zone of Nuka World. Our designers set up a bunch of fun puzzles and rooms and I helped sell them with setdressing and wacky stories.
I cannot take credit for everything, so many hands touch these games, in each of these shots somebody else was also involved. I would like to give a special thanks to Mark Teare who led the DLC and Jason Muck for Lead Props and all of his great art.

April 21, 2024